
May 5, 2024    Mitch Green

In this message, we continue our journey through the Book of Ephesians, a letter that reveals who we are in Christ. Today, we’ll explore the next part of Ephesians 2 and how God unites us through Jesus. Here’s what we’ll cover:

1️⃣ The Problem Outside of Christ

Before Jesus, we were separated, alienated, and far from God.

Gentiles were considered outsiders, lacking the mark of the covenant.

2️⃣ The Solution: Jesus

Through the blood of Jesus, we are brought near, made one with Him, and reconciled to God.

His death and the Gospel unite believers across all backgrounds into one family.

3️⃣ Our New Identity in Christ

In Jesus, we are no longer strangers but citizens, saints, and members of God’s household.

The Church is built on the foundation of Scripture, with Jesus as the cornerstone and the Spirit dwelling among us.

Big Idea: Jesus is the cornerstone of the Church, the foundation on which everything stands. Through Him, God is building a unified family—one where both Jews and Gentiles belong.

Key Takeaways:

If you’re outside of God’s family, the good news is that salvation in Christ welcomes you in.

For believers, we are living stones in God’s temple. Let’s commit to unity, welcome others, and build together as His Church.

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 2:11-22

📖 “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2:13)

Today, we’ll also celebrate Communion—a reminder of our union with Christ and with one another. Let’s reflect on how God has brought us from being far off to being part of His family.

#Ephesians #JesusTheCornerstone #ChurchFamily #UnionWithChrist