Obedience, Despair, Glorification

Nov 24, 2024    Tony Carter

How Are We to Respond When Obedience Leads to Despair?

Text: Acts 16:11-34

Big Idea: When obedience leads to despair… Jesus is still Lord!

In this message, we dive into Acts 16, where Paul and Silas encounter both triumph and turmoil as they follow God’s call. Their journey teaches us what it means to obey, even when it brings us to places of deep despair.


Obedience (v. 11-18): Discover the power of following God’s leading, even when it’s costly.

Despair (v. 19-24): Witness how obedience can sometimes lead to hardship and persecution.

How Should We Respond? (v. 25): Paul and Silas turn to prayer and worship, showing us a path through our darkest moments.

Supporting Scripture: Matthew 14:28-33 – Peter’s steps of faith toward Jesus amidst the storm.

How Does God Respond? (v. 26-34): God meets His people with miracles, power, and deliverance, reminding us that He’s in control, even in despair.

Through this passage, we see that God’s faithfulness doesn’t depend on our circumstances. Even when obedience leads us to despair, Jesus remains Lord over every situation. Join us as we explore this powerful reminder of hope and trust in God’s sovereignty.

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